Crow Calls. Robin Barber. Photogravures from drawings by Jennifer Schmidtmann.

(Florence, MA: Kat Ran Press, 2001.)
18.3cm x 25.4cm x 1.8cm
Number 44 of an edition of 50; signed by the author and illustrator.

Bound in the French technique in deep blue goat, with a raised recto area that houses around an inclusion of pins and paper. Design elements include hand-sewn silk endbands, graphite top-edge, leather hinges and blind tooling on the cover. Titling is hand-tooled in palladium down the spine. Bound in 2007.

I was most influenced by the illustrations in this title: Schmidtmann’s work is absorbing to me — the more I look, the more I see. Of particular note is the last illustration in the book where quasi-circular elements range, see supporting photo. The design reflects these shapes, utilizing pins and textured paper. Board build-up on the recto protects this representation. It is also circular and continues to the verso, with blind-tooled edges.